BIOFACH, World´s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food will take place in Nuremberg, Germany from 26-29 July 2022. Of course, PETKUS Selecta will be present. It feels very good to meet our network in person again.

PETKUS Selecta is present at community booth"Treffpunkt Bio-Züchtung" in hall 7A booth 731. There we will present our Optical sorter OS f with live seed sorting, where visitors can experience the next level in seed sorting with the OS f.

We share the booth with clients like Bingenheimer Saatgut AG, Sativa Rheinau AG (Switzerland) and Reinsaat (Austria) and other well-known seed companies. The PETKUS Selecta team is looking forward to meet you and discuss your challenges and our promising solutions in sorting, quality upgrading and chemical free seed treatment.

Interested to make an appointment in advance so that you can be sure to meet us in person? Please feel free to reach out to Yvonne Wächtler on mobile + 49 151 53536865 or e-mail

We are very much looking forward meeting you at BIOFACH!